CSR is a tool for sustainable development of enterprises under the criteria of improvement and growth of a triple social, economic and environ-mental balance.


The Business for Social Responsibility (2000) argues that corporate social responsibility is the management of a business in a way that exceeds the ethical, legal, commercial and public expectations that society has towards a company. Under this definition, CSR becomes more complex, involving the issue of human rights, corporate governance, fair business practices, consumer relations, labor practices, environment, and community stakeholders in the development, etc..


Corporate Social Responsibility is thus synonymous with business ethics, by which the user of the mark (no longer is called consumer) ensures that the patterns of management of the company saved beyond the mere compliance, in addition, the company establishes an implied contract with their audiences and stakeholders why this establishes a commitment to sustainability resulted in an active contribution to the economic, social and environ-mental improvement. This means, even in the food sector, a firm and resolute commitment to responsible consumption.


Logically, integration into business management of an active CSR policy, is an improvement to be properly informed, then adds value to the services and / or products of the company, Very popular with audiences who increasingly require a responsible production processes.


However, given the enormous confusion in this field, due to the absence of an standards to determine the degrees of corporate sustainability indicators listed below a number of parameters in order to give pause to managers on the need to implement these policies in their companies. Certainly, companies that develop demonstrable CSR activities in their competitive strategy, have a very advanced position in the business organization of a future in the medium and long term.



Social commitment

Considering that Food is a key asset of humanity, we place the food businesses in a critical factor for maintaining them with guaranteed inocuity, safety and quality position. This should not only be set by the strict enforcement of existing regulations in different markets must also constuir the primary focus for the company. The food and beverage companies must understand that establish a commitment to the health of their audience, which means the products are governing the agreement.


Also, gambling social improvements in the environments with which the company interacts both extractive or productive in their markets and in those purely commercial should be encouraged. For example, respect for growing communities countries with fewer resources and participation in social projects to improve the dignity, culture and education for them, should be a corporate maxims. Investments in bio-medical, health or nutrition research can encourage healthy eating in the markets of shopping destination. Transfer of surplus production to food banks, sports sponsorships, staff hiring disabled or at risk of exclusio ... are just some valid examples of CSR.



Commitment to the Environment-friendly

"The food and drink sector contributes about 23% of global resources, 18% of emissions of greenhouse gases and 31% of acidifying emissions, that is why a global involvement is necessary this industry to make it more accountable and efficient. " Marta Thomas, coordinator of the Spanish Global Compact Network.


This phrase defines exactly pinpoint the responsibility of food businesses with the future of the environment. Aspects such as the Life Cycle of Products, Water Footprint or Carbon, Control Gases and Pollutants are undoubtedly the major unresolved issue that we face as a professional group. Obviously, even if they involve estimable first steps, not just invest in the development of reusable packaging... Reduce and minimized environmental impact of production processes must be our most urgent priority. The future of all is at stake.



Economic engagement

Justice Trade is a term that we all accept as a guarantor of fair compensation for professional services and products we acquire. Now, do you really know the implications..., what if it could be shown that, with the global market , not only cheapen costs but just reducing the production and performance of our companies... ?  

This aspect is brought into relation with the social aspects , to replace the regular suppliers of our more distant communities even beyond our borders. The momentary cost reduction does not compensate at all impoverishment we have caused to our local production chain. The usual market that constitutes our environment can not buy , so that we find new foreign markets, reducing production due to escada application, forcing down prices and invest in expensive internationalization processes that can go wel... or not.


As we see, all is not gold that glitters, being much more important long-term CSR energizing local economies to improve the standard of living of our environment, merely obtaining short-term benefits, other hand, are tremendously penalized for our audiences.



Some final data

A study published in 2014 by the Adecco Foundation on Corporate Social Responsibility and consumption leaves some significant details feel of much of the Spanish population, for example:

  • Over 80 % of Spaniards would consume a brand that respects the environment or fundamental rights.
  • Only 16.7% gives more importance to other aspects such as the price of the product or the proximity of the property.
  • The majority ( 61.8 %) do not know the meaning of corporate responsibility , but nevertheless, 90.3% requires companies the same commitment to public authorities when responding to environmental problems.
  • There is a 5% suspicious CSR associated with a marketing tool that companies use only to increase his reputation and notoriety.
  • 60% of Spanish consumers not only believes that companies related to the sector of food and drinks are the most responsible, but also thinks that this sector is ' very responsible '.
  • The Spanish consumer has become ' more selective ': 47% of respondents claimed to have stopped buying certain brands or products because they believe their method of production does not respect the environment enough.

As pointed Francisco Mesonero, CEO of the Adecco Foundation, "before a bitter domestic economy, citizens become more selective when purchasing products, placing greater emphasis on the responsibility of brands and businesses."




As we have seen, CSR is called to fully integrate the organizational structure of the food business. Their managers should understand that users are brands who decide the future of the same, demanding transparency and best practices to ensure optimal public reputation of the company. Questions to complete are: estimated interest information you have given?, do you plan to integrate a CSR policy in the short-term management of your business?... We would appreciate your views and experiences.Thank You!.



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